Physioworks Cranbourne
03 5995 1111

1 Cranbourne Place,

Cranbourne VIC 3977

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Australian Physiotherapy Association
03 5995 1111

1 Cranbourne Place,

Cranbourne VIC 3977

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Physioworks Cranbourne
03 5995 1111

1 Cranbourne Place,

Cranbourne VIC 3977

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“Heads up on Diabetes” as it a relentless condition that is:

  • the leading cause of blindness in adults
  • a leading cause of kidney failure
  • the leading cause of preventable limb amputations
  • increases the risk of heart attacks & stroke by up to four times

Physioworks Health Group support National Diabetes Week (July 12-17, 2020) with the focus on supporting the emotional & mental health of the 1.7 million Australians who are living with Diabetes.

National Diabetes Week 2020


  • More than a third of people say they feel burned out by managing diabetes
  • Nearly 50% of people with diabetes say they have experienced mental health challenges in last the 12 months
  • More than 80% of people with diabetes have not been offered psychological support
  • Every minute of every day, a person with diabetes faces decisions, thoughts, worries & fears about their diabetes & the future impact the condition may have on their health.
  • The daily burden of living with diabetes can be significant. It’s estimated that people with diabetes face up to 180 diabetes-related decisions every day. That’s more than 65,000 extra decisions a year.

Exercise can be used to combat & manage chronic health conditions, such as diabetes.

Physioworks Health Group are at the forefront in providing educational advice & treatment programs around Diabetes & Exercise. Exercise is proven to:

  • Improve insulin sensitivity & gylcaemic control.
  • Exercise improves the way muscles respond to insulin, in turn helping regulate blood glucose levels for some hours after exercise.
  • Exercise increases glucose uptake by the muscles in other ways that do not depend on insulin.
  • In addition, exercise can lower the dose of insulin required by improving the body’s response to insulin.

Physioworks Health Group has a specific Diabetes program ‘Running with Diabetes’ conducted by our Exercise Physiology team, which directly benefits diabetics.

The Physioworks Health Group Exercise Physiology team – Megan Jepson, Dylan D’Souza, Brooke DeHey and Sophie Grumley – can assist with your diabetes or other chronic condition. Our Exercise Physiology team can tailor a specific Exercise Program to help assist & manage your condition.

Rest assured you are not alone.

Need help with your Diabetes? Call your preferred Physioworks clinic today for a consultation with the Physioworks Exercise Physiology team.
